

1.  Definition of CV and resume The CV presents a full history of your academic credentials, so the length of the document is variable. In contrast, a resume presents a concise picture of your skills and qualifications for a specific position, so length tends to be shorter and dictated by years of experience (generally 1-2 pages). CVs are used by individuals seeking fellowships, grants, postdoctoral positions, and teaching/research positions in postsecondary institutions or high-level research positions in industry. Graduate school applications typically request a CV, but in general are looking for a resume that includes any publications and descriptions of research projects. In many European countries, CV is used to describe all job application documents, including a resume. In the United States and Canada, CV and resume are sometimes used interchangeably. If you are not sure which kind of document to submit, it is best to ask for clarification. 2. The aims of Education, as a plan...


JOB INTERVIEW  1. Understanding   A job interview is a process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their company, organization or firm. During this process, the employer hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the role. 2. Interview Question and Best Answer  Could you tell me about yourself and describe your background in brief?  “I come from a small town, where opportunities were limited. Since good schools were a rarity, I started using online learning to stay up to date with the best. That’s where I learned to code and then I went on to get my certification as a computer programmer. After I got my first job as a front-end coder, I continued to invest time in mastering both front- and back-end languages, tools, and frameworks.” How did you hear about this position? “I learned about the position through LinkedIn as I’ve been following your company’s page for a while now. I’m really pass...


  MARI MEMAHAMI APA ITU APPLLICATION LETTER     Apakah kalian tau bahwa belajar Application Letter sebetulnya mudah, oleh karen itu mari kita memulai belajar tentang Application Letter.Tetapi sebelumnya kita harus memahami bagian – bagian tentang Application Letter, sebagai berikut :     APPLICATION LETTER 1. Function           The purpose of a application letter is to improve your chances of being called for an interview, by convincing the reader that you would be the best person for the job.            To introduce you to potential employers and highlight your suitability for the positions you are applying for. It informs the reason the applicant should consider the job. 2. Parts of Application Letter a) Sender’s Address b) Date c) Addressee d) Salutation e) Opening Paragraph f) Content g) Closing Paragraph h) Enclosure 3. Sentenced use in Application Letter a) Greting “ Dear…” b) Introduction “Based on...

Liburan di rumah

Pada liburan sekolah ini saya tidak libur ke mana-mana, hanya sekedar jalan- jalan dan berkumpul-kumpul dengan keluarga saja, Saya cukup senang dengan liburan kali ini karena bisa berkumpul dengan keluarga. Waktu pun berjalan seiring liburan hampir habis. Dan pada waktu itu, di rumah saya tidak ada kegiatan apa-apa. Pastinya ini sangat membosankan bagi saya karena tidak ada kegiatan yang bisa saya lakukan. Pada waktu liburan mau selesai,saya di suruh ayah saya untuk pergi jalan-jalan yang pasti ke tempat teman-teman saya untuk pergi jalan-jalan bersama dan nongkrong di cafe dan saya pun menurut saja karena tidak ada kegiatan yang bisa saya lakukan. Intinya liburan dirumah kali ini sangat menyenangkan.